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A brighter future for those fighting cancer


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According to WHO, in world-wide Cervical malignant growth is the fourth most accepted  disease, with an approximate 604 000 new cases and 342 000 passing in 2020. Around 90% of  the new cases and passing overall in 2020 happened in low-and center pay nations. Practically half of the high-grade cervical cancer has the responsible of Human  papillomavirus particularly (HPV) types (16 and 18).

HPV is mostly transmitted through sexual  contact, and after commencing sexual activity, many people become infected with the virus  shortly. Cervical malignant development can be prevented by immunizing against HPV and screening for and treating pre-disease damage. When cervical malignant development is  detected early on and treated promptly, it can be eased.

During the last few decades, there has been promising evolution in the treatment of cervical  cancer where radiation oncology plays significant role. Aim of radiation oncology is high dose  to tumour cells and low dose to normal cell. For sure, radiation therapy standards have moved  from a two-layered (2D) move toward exclusively founded on physical hard milestones, to a  picture directed three-layered(3D) approach, fully intent on conveying dosages all the more  unequivocally to clinical focuses with an expanded saving of organs in danger.

Natural products from plants are rich sources used for treating a number of diseases. Most of  the herbal drugs are a mixture of a number of plant ingredients. Their synergistic effect  increases the efficacy of the drug in curing the disease.  In this modern era, the knowledge and  experience of usage of herbs are being blend with advanced formulation technology to develop  a safe and elegant herbal product, which has wider range of people acceptability. The purpose of the present investigation is to formulate and evaluate a herbal skin ointment for  wound healing and the aqueous extract of raw drugs tested for anticancer activity. Formulation  of medicinal plant in the form of an ointment will be made by mixing of plant extracts in  different proportions and tested for wound healing activity for vaginal ulceration and anticancer  activity after Radiotheraphy / Chemotheraphy.

SMOLE CerviGel for Cervical cancer (after Chemo & Radiotherapy)

Bee wax was cut into small pieces and weighed nearly 300gm then which was added into that filtered mixture of sesame oil and stir it to dissolve the beewax with oil. After dissolving the beewax with oil allow that into cool for 1 hr to get ointment formulation. The ointment...

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SMOLE OralGel for Oral cancer (after Chemo & Radiotherapy)

Radiation therapy is defined as the “Maximum dose for tumour cells and minimum dose for surrounding cells”. After surgery the radiation therapy is next step for treating cancer...

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Desi scientist in US discovers molecule that illuminates cancer cells

A desi scientist in the US, Sakkarapalayam M Mahalingam, an alumni of Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras, has discovered a molecule that illuminates cancerous cells in the human body during surgery, allowing surgeons to have real time localisation of tumour nodules....

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